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Support our community efforts

The Lawrence Township Community Foundation seeks community minded volunteers that live or primarily work in Lawrence Township to join its distinguished board of trustees or to serve on the Community Conversations Committee.

If you are interested in serving as a trustee of the board, please submit your resume and letter of interest to the President at Lawrence Township Community Foundation, P.O. Box 6707, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-0707 or to for review with the board of trustees. Trustee members are expected to attend 60% of the monthly meetings, actively participate on a committee, and provide an annual financial gift.

To volunteer, send an email to and a representative will contact you.


Volunteer Resource

NonProfitConnect is your resource for nonprofit board training, skilled volunteer opportunities and professional development for nonprofit staff.

Phone: 609-921-8893
Mail: NonProfitConnect, 12 Stockton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540