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Do One Big Thing….

And Your Neighbors will thank you

With your help, we will be able to provide more funds to more organizations. Follow the PayPal link and donate $25, $50, $100, $200, $500 or more:

Or mail a check payable to “Lawrence Township Community Foundation” to our address:

Lawrence Township Community Foundation
PO Box 6707
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-0707

2022 Spring Grant Award Ceremony & Anniversary Celebration

Your Money Stays Local:

The LTCF expressly supports the interests of our neighbors in Lawrence Township, to build community and quality of life.

YET it Goes FAR:

Organizations receiving LTCF grants reflect diverse set of needs and interests. Our 2024 report documents the variety of services supported by $48,112 in grants, including food insecurity, homelessness and community enrichment. Contributions boost our ability to support struggling Lawrence Township families with young children as well as seniors suffering from isolation.

AND GETS RIGHt to the Problem:

Since we are an all-volunteer organization, donations are not used to pay staff salaries or complex back-office expenses.