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our mission

To foster supportive community and private sector relationships to service the interests of the residents of Lawrence Township.

To make funding distributions to non-profit groups and organizations serving the needs of the Lawrence Township community

To serve as a catalyst to support and enhance community improvement and development programs in Lawrence Township

DO one Big Thing - MAKe A Donation!

Join our sponsors Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Educational Testing Service, The Lawrenceville School and over twenty other community partners by making a donation and give back to our community.

Organizations receiving LTCF grants reflect diverse needs and interests. Our 2024 Annual Report documents the variety of programs and services supported by $48,112 in grants, including food insecurity, homelessness and community enrichment.

A History of Giving Back

Since awarding our first grants in 2002, the Lawrence Township Community Foundation (LTCF) has provided over $1,377,000 in grant funding for more than 50 local nonprofit organizations who serve the people of Lawrence Township. Operating with a completely volunteer board of directors, the LTCF serves as a careful clearinghouse for funds donated by corporate sponsors who have entrusted this significant funding to the Foundation.

The Board works to carefully screen project proposals and award grants as appropriate in two cycles, spring and fall.  Continued funding from our main sponsor, Bristol Myers Squibb, and two key sponsors, The Lawrenceville School and Educational Testing Service (ETS), along with local individuals making personal donations, allows the LTCF to provide grants to nonprofit groups supporting important and innovative programs serving Lawrence Township residents.


community members


The Lawrence Township Community Foundation seeks community minded volunteers that live or primarily work in Lawrence Township to join its distinguished board of trustees or to serve on the Community Conversations Committee.
To volunteer, email and a representative will contact you.



Submit a grant application

The Lawrence Township Community Foundation awards grants in two cycles per year in the fall and spring.  The deadlines for submitting a grant application are October 15 and March 15.

community conversation

The Lawrence Township Community Foundation is proud to sponsor the annual Community Conversation, a forum to share ideas and encourage in-depth conversation on relevant topics for residents, town officials, and representatives from local businesses and non-profits in Lawrence Township.